Source code for openva_pipeline.transfer_db


This module handles interactions with the Transfer database.

import os
from typing import Union, NamedTuple, List, Tuple, Dict
from shutil import rmtree
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import sqlite3
from pickle import dumps
import json

from pandas import read_csv, DataFrame
from sqlcipher3 import dbapi2 as sqlcipher

from .exceptions import PipelineConfigurationError
from .exceptions import ODKConfigurationError
from .exceptions import DatabaseConnectionError
from .exceptions import PipelineError
from .exceptions import OpenVAConfigurationError
from .exceptions import DHISConfigurationError

[docs]class TransferDB: """This class handles interactions with the Transfer database. The Pipeline accesses configuration information from the Transfer database, and also stores log messages and verbal autopsy records in the DB. The Transfer database is encrypted using sqlcipher3 (and the pysqlcipher3 module is imported to establish DB connection). Parameters :parameter db_file_name: File name of the Transfer database. :type db_file_name: str :parameter db_directory: Path of folder containing the Transfer database. :type db_directory: str :parameter db_key: Encryption key for the Transfer database. :type db_key: str :parameter pl_run_date: Date when pipeline started latest run (YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss). :type pl_run_date: str """ def __init__(self, db_file_name: str, db_directory: str, db_key: str, pl_run_date: str): self.db_file_name = db_file_name self.db_directory = db_directory self.db_key = db_key self.db_path = os.path.join(db_directory, db_file_name) self.working_directory = None self.pl_run_date = pl_run_date def _connect_db(self) -> sqlcipher.connect: """Connect to Transfer database. Uses parameters supplied to the parent class, TransferDB, to connect to the (encrypted) Transfer database. :returns: Used to query (encrypted) SQLite database. :rtype: SQLite database connection object :raises: DatabaseConnectionError """ db_file_present = os.path.isfile(self.db_path) if not db_file_present: raise DatabaseConnectionError("") conn = sqlcipher.connect(self.db_path) par_set_key = '"' + self.db_key + '"' conn.execute("PRAGMA key = " + par_set_key) try: sql_test_connection = ( "SELECT name FROM SQLITE_MASTER " "where type = 'table';" ) conn.execute(sql_test_connection) except sqlcipher.DatabaseError as e: raise DatabaseConnectionError("Database password error..." + str(e)) return conn
[docs] def config_pipeline(self) -> NamedTuple: """Grabs Pipeline configuration settings. This method queries the Pipeline_Conf table in Transfer database and returns a tuple with attributes (1) algorithmMetadataCode; (2) codSource; (3) algorithm; and (4) working_directory. :returns: Arguments needed to configure the OpenVA Pipeline algorithmMetadataCode - attribute describing VA data codSource - attribute detailing the source of the Cause of Death list algorithm - attribute indicating which VA algorithm to use working_directory - attribute indicating the working directory :rtype: (named) tuple :raises: PipelineConfigurationError """ conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() try: sql_pipeline = ( "SELECT algorithmMetadataCode, codSource, algorithm, " "workingDirectory FROM Pipeline_Conf;" ) query_pipeline = c.execute(sql_pipeline).fetchall() conn.close() except sqlcipher.OperationalError as e: conn.close() raise PipelineConfigurationError( "Problem in database table Pipeline_Conf..." + str(e) ) algorithm_metadata_code = query_pipeline[0][0] # if algorithm_metadata_code not in # [j for i in metadataQuery for j in i]: # raise PipelineConfigurationError \ # ("Problem in database: Pipeline_Conf.algorithmMetadataCode") cod_source = query_pipeline[0][1] if cod_source not in ("ICD10", "WHO", "Tariff"): raise PipelineConfigurationError( "Problem in database: Pipeline_Conf.codSource" ) algorithm = query_pipeline[0][2] if algorithm not in ("InterVA", "InSilicoVA", "SmartVA"): raise PipelineConfigurationError( "Problem in database: Pipeline_Conf.algorithm" ) working_directory = query_pipeline[0][3] if not os.path.isdir(working_directory): raise PipelineConfigurationError( "Problem in database: Pipeline_Conf.workingDirectory" ) nt_pipeline = namedtuple( "nt_pipeline", ["algorithm_metadata_code", "cod_source", "algorithm", "working_directory"], ) settings_pipeline = nt_pipeline( algorithm_metadata_code, cod_source, algorithm, working_directory ) self.working_directory = working_directory return settings_pipeline
[docs] def config_odk(self) -> NamedTuple: """Query ODK configuration settings from database. This method is intended to be used in conjunction with (1) :meth:`TransferDB.connect_db() <connect_db>`, which establishes a connection to a database with the Pipeline configuration settings; and (2) :meth:`ODK.briefcase() <openva_pipeline.odk.ODK.briefcase>`, which establishes a connection to an ODK Aggregate server. Thus, TransferDB.config_odk() gets its input from :meth:`TransferDB.connect_db() <connect_db>` and the output from TransferDB.config_odk() is a valid argument for :meth:`ODK.briefcase()<openva_pipeline.odk.ODK.briefcase>`. :returns: Contains all parameters for :meth:`ODK.briefcase()<openva_pipeline.odk.ODK.briefcase>`. :rtype: (named) tuple :raises: ODKConfigurationError """ conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() sql_odk = ( "SELECT odkID, odkURL, odkUser, odkPassword, odkFormID, " "odkLastRun, odkUseCentral, odkProjectNumber FROM ODK_Conf;" ) try: query_odk = c.execute(sql_odk).fetchall() conn.close() except sqlcipher.OperationalError as e: conn.close() raise ODKConfigurationError( "Problem in database table ODK_Conf..." + str(e) ) odk_id = query_odk[0][0] odk_url = query_odk[0][1] start_html = odk_url[0:7] start_htmls = odk_url[0:8] if not (start_html == "http://" or start_htmls == "https://"): raise ODKConfigurationError( "Problem in database: ODK_Conf.odk_url") odk_user = query_odk[0][2] odk_password = query_odk[0][3] odk_form_id = query_odk[0][4] odk_last_run = query_odk[0][5] odk_use_central = query_odk[0][6] odk_project_number = query_odk[0][7] # odkLastRunResult = queryODK[0][6] # if not odkLastRunResult in ("success", "fail"): # raise ODKConfigurationError \ # ("Problem in database: ODK_Conf.odkLastRunResult") odk_last_run_date = datetime.strptime( odk_last_run, "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S" ).strftime("%Y/%m/%d") odk_last_run_date_prev = ( datetime.strptime(odk_last_run_date, "%Y/%m/%d") - timedelta(days=1) ).strftime("%Y/%m/%d") nt_odk = namedtuple( "nt_odk", [ "odk_id", "odk_url", "odk_user", "odk_password", "odk_form_id", "odk_last_run", # "odkLastRunResult", "odk_last_run_date", "odk_last_run_date_prev", "odk_use_central", "odk_project_number", ], ) settings_odk = nt_odk( odk_id, odk_url, odk_user, odk_password, odk_form_id, odk_last_run, # odkLastRunResult, odk_last_run_date, odk_last_run_date_prev, odk_use_central, odk_project_number, ) return settings_odk
[docs] def update_odk_last_run(self) -> None: """Update Transfer Database table ODK_Conf.odk_last_run """ conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() sql = "UPDATE ODK_Conf SET odkLastRun = ?" par = (self.pl_run_date,) c.execute(sql, par) conn.commit() conn.close()
[docs] def insert_event_log(self, values: Tuple[str, str, str]) -> None: """Insert new row in Transfer Database table EventLog :parameter values: Event description, event type (e.g., Event, Error, Warning, Summary), and date and time of entry :type values: Tuple of 3 strings """ conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() sql = ("INSERT INTO EventLog (eventDesc, eventType, eventTime)" "VALUES (?, ?, ?)") c.execute(sql, values) conn.commit() conn.close()
[docs] def update_table(self, table_name: str, field: Union[str, list], value: Union[str, list]) -> None: """Update value(s) into Transfer Database table_name.field(s) :parameter table_name: name of table in Transfer Database :type table_name: str :parameter field: field name(s) in table_name :type field: str or list of str :parameter value: new values to update in table_name.fields :type value: str or list of str """ conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() if isinstance(field, str): field = [field] if isinstance(value, str): value = [value] valid_table_names = ( "Pipeline_Conf", "ODK_Conf", "InterVA_Conf", "Advanced_InterVA_Conf", "InSilicoVA_Conf", "Advanced_InSilicoVA_Conf", "SmartVA_Conf", "SmartVA_Country", "DHIS_Conf") if table_name not in valid_table_names: raise ValueError(f"Unable to access {table_name}") else: sql_table = f"UPDATE {table_name} " sql = sql_table + "SET {}=?" for par in zip(field, value): c.execute(sql.format(par[0]), (par[1],)) conn.commit() conn.close()
[docs] def get_table_conf(self, table_name: str) -> list: """Get values in ODK_Conf table from Transfer Database :parameter table_name: name of table in Transfer Database :type table_name: str :rtype: list """ conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() valid_table_names = ( "Pipeline_Conf", "ODK_Conf", "InterVA_Conf", "Advanced_InterVA_Conf", "InSilicoVA_Conf", "Advanced_InSilicoVA_Conf", "SmartVA_Conf", "SmartVA_Country", "DHIS_Conf") if table_name not in valid_table_names: conn.close() raise ValueError(f"Unable to access {table_name}") else: sql = "SELECT * FROM {}" table_values = c.execute(sql.format(table_name)).fetchall() conn.close() # TODO: make the return object a dict where the keys are the field # names and the values are the query results return table_values
[docs] def get_tables(self) -> list: """Get table names from Transfer Database :rtype: list """ conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() sql_tables = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'" query_tables = c.execute(sql_tables).fetchall() table_names = [i[0] for i in query_tables] conn.close() return table_names
[docs] def get_fields(self, table: List[str]) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """Get field names from table in Transfer Database :parameter table: Name of table :type table: str :rtype: list of (field name, data type) """ conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() sql_fields = f"PRAGMA table_info({table})" field_names = c.execute(sql_fields).fetchall() field_names = [(i[1], i[2]) for i in field_names] conn.close() return field_names
[docs] def get_schema(self, table: str) -> list: """Get schema from table in Transfer Database :parameter table: Name of table :type table: str :rtype: list """ conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() sql_schema = ("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master " + f"WHERE type='table' and name='{table}'") schema = c.execute(sql_schema).fetchall() conn.close() return schema
[docs] def get_event_log(self, n_messages: int, recent: bool) -> list: """Get rows from EventLog table in Transfer Database :parameter n_messages: Number of messages to retrieve :type n_messages: int :parameter recent: Get messages starting from the most recent :type: bool :rtype: list """ conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() sql_log = "SELECT * FROM EventLog ORDER BY eventTime" logs_all = c.execute(sql_log).fetchall() if recent: logs = logs_all[-n_messages:] else: logs = logs_all[0:n_messages] conn.close() return logs
[docs] def check_duplicates(self, use_dhis: bool) -> dict: """Search for duplicate VA records. This method searches for duplicate VA records in ODK export file and the Transfer DB. If duplicates are found, a warning message is logged to the EventLog table in the Transfer database and the duplicate records are removed from the ODK export file. :parameter use_dhis: Indicator for posting records to DHIS2. If True, then check VA_Org_Unit_Not_Found table for additional duplicate VA records. :type use_dhis: bool :raises: DatabaseConnectionError, PipelineError :return: Number of duplicates found and number of VA records sending to openVA. :rtype: dict """ if self.working_directory is None: raise PipelineError("Need to run config_pipeline.") results = {"n_records": None, "n_unique": None, "n_duplicates": None} odk_export_path = os.path.join( self.working_directory, "ODKFiles", "odk_export_new.csv" ) df_odk = read_csv(odk_export_path) df_odk_id = df_odk["meta-instanceID"] results["n_records"] = df_odk.shape[0] results["n_unique"] = df_odk.shape[0] va_ids_list = self._get_va_storage_ids() if use_dhis: va_ids_no_org_unit = self._get_va_org_unit_not_found_ids() va_ids_list.extend(va_ids_no_org_unit) va_duplicates = set(df_odk_id).intersection(set(va_ids_list)) time_fmt ="%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S") results["n_duplicates"] = len(va_duplicates) conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() if results["n_duplicates"] > 0: sql_xfer_db = ( "INSERT INTO EventLog " "(eventDesc, eventType, eventTime) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" ) event_desc_part1 = [ "Removing duplicate records from ODK Export with " + "ODK Meta-Instance ID: " ] * results["n_duplicates"] event_desc_part2 = list(va_duplicates) event_desc = [x + y for x, y in zip(event_desc_part1, event_desc_part2)] event_type = ["Warning"] * results["n_duplicates"] event_time = [time_fmt] * results["n_duplicates"] par = list(zip(event_desc, event_type, event_time)) c.executemany(sql_xfer_db, par) conn.commit() df_no_duplicates = df_odk[ ~df_odk["meta-instanceID"].isin(list(va_duplicates))] results["n_unique"] = df_no_duplicates.shape[0] try: df_no_duplicates.to_csv(odk_export_path, index=False) conn.close() except (PermissionError, OSError) as exc: conn.close() raise PipelineError( "Error trying to create new CSV file after " + "removing duplicate records in ODK Export" ) from exc return results
def _get_va_storage_ids(self) -> List: """Get VA IDs from Transfer database table VA_Storage. :raises: DatabaseConnectionError :rtype: list """ if self.working_directory is None: raise PipelineError("Need to run config_pipeline.") try: conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() sql = "SELECT id FROM VA_Storage" c.execute(sql) va_ids = c.fetchall() va_ids_list = [j for i in va_ids for j in i] conn.close() except (sqlcipher.DatabaseError, sqlcipher.OperationalError) as e: conn.close() raise DatabaseConnectionError( "Problem accessing id table VA_Storage..." + str(e) ) return va_ids_list def _get_va_org_unit_not_found_ids(self) -> List: """Get VA IDs from Transfer database table VA_Org_Unit_Not_Found. :raises: DatabaseConnectionError :rtype: list """ if self.working_directory is None: raise PipelineError("Need to run config_pipeline.") try: conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() sql = "SELECT id FROM VA_Org_Unit_Not_Found" c.execute(sql) va_ids = c.fetchall() va_ids_list = [j for i in va_ids for j in i] conn.close() except (sqlcipher.DatabaseError, sqlcipher.OperationalError) as e: conn.close() raise DatabaseConnectionError( "Problem accessing id table VA_Org_Unit_Not_Found..." + str(e) ) return va_ids_list
[docs] def config_openva(self, algorithm: str) -> NamedTuple: """Query OpenVA configuration settings from database. This method is intended to receive its input (a Connection object) from :meth:`TransferDB.connect_db() <connect_db>`, which establishes a connection to a database with the Pipeline configuration settings. It sets up the configuration for the VA algorithms included in the R package openVA. The output from :meth:`config_openva() <config_openva>` serves as an input to the n method :meth:`OpenVA.setAlgorithmParameters() <openva_pipeline.odk.ODK.setAlgorithmParameters>`. This is a wrapper function that calls :meth:`_config_interva`, :meth:`_config_insilicova`, and :meth:`_config_smartva` to actually pull configuration settings from the database. :parameter algorithm: VA algorithm used by R package openVA :type algorithm: str :returns: Contains all parameters needed for OpenVA.setAlgorithmParameters(). :rtype: (named) tuple :raises: OpenVAConfigurationError """ if algorithm == "InterVA": settings_interva = self._config_interva() return settings_interva elif algorithm == "InSilicoVA": settings_insilicova = self._config_insilicova() return settings_insilicova elif algorithm == "SmartVA": settings_smartva = self._config_smartva() return settings_smartva else: raise PipelineConfigurationError( "Not an acceptable parameter for 'algorithm'." )
def _config_interva(self) -> NamedTuple: """Query OpenVA configuration settings from database. This method is called by config_openva when the VA algorithm is either InterVA4 or InterVA5. :returns: Contains all parameters needed for OpenVA.setAlgorithmParameters(). :rtype: (named) tuple :raises: OpenVAConfigurationError """ conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() try: sql_interva = "SELECT version, HIV, Malaria FROM InterVA_Conf;" query_interva = c.execute(sql_interva).fetchall() except sqlcipher.OperationalError as e: conn.close() raise PipelineConfigurationError( "Problem in database table InterVA_Conf..." + str(e) ) # Database Table: InterVA_Conf interva_version = query_interva[0][0] if interva_version not in ("4", "5"): conn.close() raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InterVA_Conf.version " "(valid options: '4' or '5')." ) interva_hiv = query_interva[0][1] if interva_hiv not in ("v", "l", "h"): conn.close() raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InterVA_Conf.HIV " "(valid options: 'v', 'l', or 'h')." ) interva_malaria = query_interva[0][2] if interva_malaria not in ("v", "l", "h"): conn.close() raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InterVA_Conf.Malaria " "(valid options: 'v', 'l', or 'h')." ) # Database Table: Advanced_InterVA_Conf try: sql_advanced_interva = ( "SELECT output, append, groupcode, " "replicate, replicate_bug1, replicate_bug2 " "FROM Advanced_InterVA_Conf;" ) query_advanced_interva = c.execute(sql_advanced_interva).fetchall() conn.close() except sqlcipher.OperationalError as e: conn.close() raise PipelineConfigurationError( "Problem in database table Advanced_InterVA_Conf..." + str(e) ) interva_output = query_advanced_interva[0][0] if interva_output not in ("classic", "extended"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: Advanced_InterVA_Conf.output." ) interva_append = query_advanced_interva[0][1] if interva_append not in ("TRUE", "FALSE"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: Advanced_InterVA_Conf.append." ) interva_groupcode = query_advanced_interva[0][2] if interva_groupcode not in ("TRUE", "FALSE"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: Advanced_InterVA_Conf.groupcode." ) interva_replicate = query_advanced_interva[0][3] if interva_replicate not in ("TRUE", "FALSE"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: Advanced_InterVA_Conf.replicate." ) interva_replicate_bug1 = query_advanced_interva[0][4] if interva_replicate_bug1 not in ("TRUE", "FALSE"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: Advanced_InterVA_Conf.replicate_bug1." ) interva_replicate_bug2 = query_advanced_interva[0][5] if interva_replicate_bug2 not in ("TRUE", "FALSE"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: Advanced_InterVA_Conf.replicate_bug2." ) nt_interva = namedtuple( "nt_interva", [ "interva_version", "interva_hiv", "interva_malaria", "interva_output", "interva_append", "interva_groupcode", "interva_replicate", "interva_replicate_bug1", "interva_replicate_bug2", ], ) settings_interva = nt_interva( interva_version, interva_hiv, interva_malaria, interva_output, interva_append, interva_groupcode, interva_replicate, interva_replicate_bug1, interva_replicate_bug2, ) return settings_interva def _config_insilicova(self) -> NamedTuple: """Query OpenVA configuration settings from database. This method is called by config_openva when the VA algorithm is InSilicoVA. :returns: Contains all parameters needed for OpenVA.setAlgorithmParameters(). :rtype: (named) tuple :raises: OpenVAConfigurationError """ conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() # Database Table: InSilicoVA_Conf try: sql_insilicova = "SELECT data_type, Nsim FROM InSilicoVA_Conf;" query_insilicova = c.execute(sql_insilicova).fetchall() except sqlcipher.OperationalError as e: conn.close() raise PipelineConfigurationError( "Problem in database table InSilicoVA_Conf..." + str(e) ) insilicova_data_type = query_insilicova[0][0] if insilicova_data_type not in ("WHO2012", "WHO2016"): conn.close() raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.data_type " "(valid options: 'WHO2012' or 'WHO2016')." ) insilicova_nsim = query_insilicova[0][1] if insilicova_nsim in ("", None): conn.close() raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.Nsim") # Database Table: Advanced_InSilicoVA_Conf try: sql_advanced_insilicova = ( "SELECT isNumeric, updateCondProb, " "keepProbbase_level, CondProb, " "CondProbNum, datacheck, " "datacheck_missing, external_sep, thin, " "burnin, auto_length, conv_csmf, " "jump_scale, levels_prior, " "levels_strength, trunc_min, trunc_max, " "subpop, java_option, seed, phy_code, " "phy_cat, phy_unknown, phy_external, " "phy_debias, exclude_impossible_cause, " "no_is_missing, indiv_CI, groupcode " "FROM Advanced_InSilicoVA_Conf;" ) query_advanced_insilicova = c.execute( sql_advanced_insilicova).fetchall() conn.close() except sqlcipher.OperationalError as e: conn.close() raise PipelineConfigurationError( "Problem in database table Advanced_InSilicoVA_Conf..." + str(e) ) insilicova_is_numeric = query_advanced_insilicova[0][0] if insilicova_is_numeric not in ("TRUE", "FALSE"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.isNumeric " "(valid options: 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')." ) insilicova_update_cond_prob = query_advanced_insilicova[0][1] if insilicova_update_cond_prob not in ("TRUE", "FALSE"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.updateCondProb " "(valid options: 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')." ) insilicova_keep_probbase_level = query_advanced_insilicova[0][2] if insilicova_keep_probbase_level not in ("TRUE", "FALSE"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.keepProbbase_level " "(valid options: 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')." ) insilicova_cond_prob = query_advanced_insilicova[0][3] if insilicova_cond_prob in ("", None): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.CondProb " "(valid options: name of R object)." ) insilicova_cond_prob_num = query_advanced_insilicova[0][4] if insilicova_cond_prob_num != "NULL": try: float_cond_prob_num = float(insilicova_cond_prob_num) except ValueError: raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.CondProbNum " "(must be between '0' and '1')." ) if not (0 <= float_cond_prob_num <= 1): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.CondProbNum " "(must be between '0' and '1')." ) insilicova_datacheck = query_advanced_insilicova[0][5] if insilicova_datacheck not in ("TRUE", "FALSE"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.datacheck " "(valid options: 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')." ) insilicova_datacheck_missing = query_advanced_insilicova[0][6] if insilicova_datacheck_missing not in ("TRUE", "FALSE"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.datacheck_missing " "(valid options: 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')." ) insilicova_external_sep = query_advanced_insilicova[0][7] if insilicova_external_sep not in ("TRUE", "FALSE"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.external_sep " "(valid options: 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')." ) insilicova_thin = query_advanced_insilicova[0][8] try: thin_float = float(insilicova_thin) except ValueError: raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.thin " "(must be 'thin' > 0." ) if thin_float <= 0: raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.thin " "(must be 'thin' > 0." ) insilicova_burnin = query_advanced_insilicova[0][9] try: burnin_float = float(insilicova_burnin) except ValueError: raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.burnin " "(must be 'burnin' > 0." ) if burnin_float <= 0: raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.burnin " "(must be 'burnin' > 0." ) insilicova_auto_length = query_advanced_insilicova[0][10] if insilicova_auto_length not in ("TRUE", "FALSE"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.auto_length " "(valid options: 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')." ) insilicova_conv_csmf = query_advanced_insilicova[0][11] try: float_conv_csmf = float(insilicova_conv_csmf) except ValueError: raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.conv_csmf " "(must be between '0' and '1')." ) if not (0 <= float_conv_csmf <= 1): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.conv_csmf " "(must be between '0' and '1')." ) insilicova_jump_scale = query_advanced_insilicova[0][12] try: float_jump_scale = float(insilicova_jump_scale) except ValueError: raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.jump_scale " "(must be greater than '0')." ) if float_jump_scale <= 0: raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.jump_scale " "(must be greater than '0')." ) insilicova_levels_prior = query_advanced_insilicova[0][13] if insilicova_levels_prior in ("", None): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.levels_prior " "(valid options: name of R object)." ) insilicova_levels_strength = query_advanced_insilicova[0][14] try: float_levels_strength = float(insilicova_levels_strength) except ValueError: raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.levels_strength " "(must be greater than '0')." ) if float_levels_strength <= 0: raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.levels_strength " "(must be greater than '0')." ) insilicova_trunc_min = query_advanced_insilicova[0][15] try: float_trunc_min = float(insilicova_trunc_min) except ValueError: raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.trunc_min " "(must be between '0' and '1')." ) if not (0 <= float_trunc_min <= 1): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.trunc_min " "(must be between '0' and '1')." ) insilicova_trunc_max = query_advanced_insilicova[0][16] try: float_trunc_max = float(insilicova_trunc_max) except ValueError: raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.trunc_max " "(must be between '0' and '1')." ) if not (0 <= float_trunc_max <= 1): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.trunc_max " "(must be between '0' and '1')." ) insilicova_subpop = query_advanced_insilicova[0][17] if insilicova_subpop in ("", None): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.subpop " "(valid options: name of R object)." ) insilicova_java_option = query_advanced_insilicova[0][18] if insilicova_java_option == "" or len(insilicova_java_option) < 6: raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.java_option " "(should look like '-Xmx1g')." ) jo_length = len(insilicova_java_option) jo_last_char = insilicova_java_option[(jo_length - 1)] jo_first4_char = insilicova_java_option[0:4] jo_mem_size = insilicova_java_option[4:(jo_length - 1)] if jo_first4_char != "-Xmx": raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.java_option " "(should start with '-Xmx')." ) if jo_last_char not in ("m", "g"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.java_option " "(should end with 'g' for gigabytes or 'm' for megabytes)." ) try: float_jo_mem_size = float(jo_mem_size) except ValueError: raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.java_option " "(should look like '-Xmx1g')." ) if float_jo_mem_size <= 0: raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.java_option " "(should look like '-Xmx1g')." ) insilicova_seed = query_advanced_insilicova[0][19] try: float(insilicova_seed) except ValueError: raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.seed " "(must be between a number; preferably an integer)." ) insilicova_phy_code = query_advanced_insilicova[0][20] if insilicova_phy_code in ("", None): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.phy_code " "(valid options: name of R object)." ) insilicova_phy_cat = query_advanced_insilicova[0][21] if insilicova_phy_cat in ("", None): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.phy_cat " "(valid options: name of R object)." ) insilicova_phy_unknown = query_advanced_insilicova[0][22] if insilicova_phy_unknown in ("", None): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.phy_unknown " "(valid options: name of R object)." ) insilicova_phy_external = query_advanced_insilicova[0][23] if insilicova_phy_external in ("", None): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.phy_external " "(valid options: name of R object)." ) insilicova_phy_debias = query_advanced_insilicova[0][24] if insilicova_phy_debias in ("", None): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.phy_debias " "(valid options: name of R object)." ) insilicova_exclude_impossible_cause = query_advanced_insilicova[0][25] if insilicova_exclude_impossible_cause not in ("subset", "all", "InterVA", "none"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.exclude_impossible_cause" " (valid options: 'subset', 'all', 'InterVA', and 'none')." ) insilicova_no_is_missing = query_advanced_insilicova[0][26] if insilicova_no_is_missing not in ("TRUE", "FALSE"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.no_is_missing " "(valid options: 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')." ) insilicova_indiv_ci = query_advanced_insilicova[0][27] if insilicova_indiv_ci != "NULL": try: float_indiv_ci = float(insilicova_indiv_ci) except ValueError: raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.indiv_CI " "(must be between '0' and '1')." ) if not (0 < float_indiv_ci < 1): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.indiv_CI " "(must be between '0' and '1')." ) insilicova_groupcode = query_advanced_insilicova[0][28] if insilicova_groupcode not in ("TRUE", "FALSE"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: InSilicoVA_Conf.groupcode " "(valid options: 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')." ) nt_insilicova = namedtuple( "nt_insilicova", [ "insilicova_data_type", "insilicova_nsim", "insilicova_is_numeric", "insilicova_update_cond_prob", "insilicova_keep_probbase_level", "insilicova_cond_prob", "insilicova_cond_prob_num", "insilicova_datacheck", "insilicova_datacheck_missing", "insilicova_external_sep", "insilicova_thin", "insilicova_burnin", "insilicova_auto_length", "insilicova_conv_csmf", "insilicova_jump_scale", "insilicova_levels_prior", "insilicova_levels_strength", "insilicova_trunc_min", "insilicova_trunc_max", "insilicova_subpop", "insilicova_java_option", "insilicova_seed", "insilicova_phy_code", "insilicova_phy_cat", "insilicova_phy_unknown", "insilicova_phy_external", "insilicova_phy_debias", "insilicova_exclude_impossible_cause", "insilicova_no_is_missing", "insilicova_indiv_ci", "insilicova_groupcode", ], ) settings_insilicova = nt_insilicova( insilicova_data_type, insilicova_nsim, insilicova_is_numeric, insilicova_update_cond_prob, insilicova_keep_probbase_level, insilicova_cond_prob, insilicova_cond_prob_num, insilicova_datacheck, insilicova_datacheck_missing, insilicova_external_sep, insilicova_thin, insilicova_burnin, insilicova_auto_length, insilicova_conv_csmf, insilicova_jump_scale, insilicova_levels_prior, insilicova_levels_strength, insilicova_trunc_min, insilicova_trunc_max, insilicova_subpop, insilicova_java_option, insilicova_seed, insilicova_phy_code, insilicova_phy_cat, insilicova_phy_unknown, insilicova_phy_external, insilicova_phy_debias, insilicova_exclude_impossible_cause, insilicova_no_is_missing, insilicova_indiv_ci, insilicova_groupcode, ) return settings_insilicova def _config_smartva(self) -> NamedTuple: """Query OpenVA configuration settings from database. This method is called by config_openva when the VA algorithm is SmartVA. :returns: Contains all parameters needed for OpenVA.setAlgorithmParameters(). :rtype: (named) tuple :raises: OpenVAConfigurationError """ conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() try: sql_smartva = ( "SELECT country, hiv, malaria, hce, freetext, " "figures, language FROM SmartVA_Conf;" ) query_smartva = c.execute(sql_smartva).fetchall() except sqlcipher.OperationalError as e: conn.close() raise PipelineConfigurationError( "Problem in database table SmartVA_Conf..." + str(e) ) try: sql_country_list = "SELECT abbrev FROM SmartVA_Country;" query_country_list = c.execute(sql_country_list).fetchall() conn.close() except sqlcipher.OperationalError as e: conn.close() raise PipelineConfigurationError( "Problem in database table SmartVA_Country..." + str(e) ) smartva_country = query_smartva[0][0] if smartva_country not in [j for i in query_country_list for j in i]: raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database:") smartva_hiv = query_smartva[0][1] if smartva_hiv not in ("True", "False"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database:") smartva_malaria = query_smartva[0][2] if smartva_malaria not in ("True", "False"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: SmartVA_Conf.malaria") smartva_hce = query_smartva[0][3] if smartva_hce not in ("True", "False"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: SmartVA_Conf.hce") smartva_freetext = query_smartva[0][4] if smartva_freetext not in ("True", "False"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: SmartVA_Conf.freetext") smartva_figures = query_smartva[0][5] if smartva_figures not in ("True", "False"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: SmartVA_Conf.figures") smartva_language = query_smartva[0][6] if smartva_language not in ("english", "chinese", "spanish"): raise OpenVAConfigurationError( "Problem in database: SmartVA_Conf.language") nt_smartva = namedtuple( "nt_smartva", [ "smartva_country", "smartva_hiv", "smartva_malaria", "smartva_hce", "smartva_freetext", "smartva_figures", "smartva_language", ], ) settings_smartva = nt_smartva( smartva_country, smartva_hiv, smartva_malaria, smartva_hce, smartva_freetext, smartva_figures, smartva_language, ) return settings_smartva
[docs] def config_dhis(self, algorithm: str) -> List[Union[NamedTuple, Dict]]: """Query DHIS configuration settings from database. This method is intended to be used in conjunction with (1) :meth:`TransferDB.connect_db()<connect_db>`, which establishes a connection to a database with the Pipeline configuration settings; and (2) :meth:`DHIS.connect()<openva_pipeline.dhis.DHIS.connect>`, which establishes a connection to a DHIS server. Thus, TransferDB.config_dhis() gets its input from :meth:`TransferDB.connect_db()<connect_db>` and the output from TransferDB.config() is a valid argument for :meth:`DHIS.connect()<openva_pipeline.dhis.DHIS.connect>` :parameter algorithm: VA algorithm used by R package openVA :type algorithm: str :returns: First item contains all parameters for :meth:`DHIS.connect() <openva_pipeline.dhis.DHIS.connect>`, and the second item contains the causes of death used by the VA Program (in DHIS2) :rtype: list [named tuple, dict] :raises: DHISConfigurationError """ conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() try: sql_dhis = ( "SELECT dhisURL, dhisUser, dhisPassword, " "dhisOrgUnit, dhisPostRoot " "FROM DHIS_Conf;" ) query_dhis = c.execute(sql_dhis).fetchall() except sqlcipher.OperationalError as e: conn.close() raise PipelineConfigurationError( "Problem in database table DHIS_Conf..." + str(e) ) if algorithm == "SmartVA": sql_cod_codes = ( "SELECT codName, codCode FROM COD_Codes_DHIS WHERE " "codSource = 'Tariff'" ) else: sql_cod_codes = ( "SELECT codName, codCode FROM COD_Codes_DHIS WHERE " "codSource = 'WHO'" ) try: query_cod_codes = c.execute(sql_cod_codes).fetchall() dhis_cod_codes = dict(query_cod_codes) conn.close() except sqlcipher.OperationalError as e: conn.close() raise DHISConfigurationError( "Problem in database table COD_Codes_DHIS..." + str(e) ) dhis_url = query_dhis[0][0] start_html = dhis_url[0:7] start_htmls = dhis_url[0:8] if not (start_html == "http://" or start_htmls == "https://"): raise DHISConfigurationError( "Problem in database: DHIS_Conf.dhisURL") dhis_user = query_dhis[0][1] if dhis_user == "" or dhis_user is None: raise DHISConfigurationError( "Problem in database: DHIS_Conf.dhisUser (is empty)" ) dhis_password = query_dhis[0][2] if dhis_password == "" or dhis_password is None: raise DHISConfigurationError( "Problem in database: DHIS_Conf.dhisPassword (is empty)" ) dhis_org_unit = query_dhis[0][3] if dhis_org_unit == "" or dhis_org_unit is None: raise DHISConfigurationError( "Problem in database: DHIS_Conf.dhisOrgUnit (is empty)" ) dhis_post_root = query_dhis[0][4] nt_dhis = namedtuple( "nt_dhis", ["dhis_url", "dhis_user", "dhis_password", "dhis_org_unit", "dhis_post_root"] ) settings_dhis = nt_dhis(dhis_url, dhis_user, dhis_password, dhis_org_unit, dhis_post_root) return [settings_dhis, dhis_cod_codes]
[docs] def store_va(self, dhis_tracker: bool = False) -> None: """Store VA records in Transfer database. This method is intended to be used in conjunction with the :class:`DHIS <openva_pipeline.dhis.DHIS>` class, which prepares the records into the proper format for storage in the Transfer database. :parameter dhis_tracker: Indicator of using DHIS2 VA tracker program :type dhis_tracker: bool :raises: PipelineError, DatabaseConnectionError """ if self.working_directory is None: raise PipelineError("Need to run Pipeline.config().") conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() new_storage_path = os.path.join( self.working_directory, "OpenVAFiles", "new_storage.csv" ) df_new_storage = read_csv(new_storage_path) time_fmt ="%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S") try: for row_dict in df_new_storage.to_dict(orient="records"): # xfer_db_id = row_dict["id"] # xfer_db_outcome = row_dict["pipelineOutcome"] non_data_cols = [k for k in row_dict.keys() if k.startswith("org_unit_col")] non_data_cols.extend(["sex", "dob", "dod", "age", "cod", "metadataCode", "odkMetaInstanceID", "pipelineOutcome"]) va_data = tuple( v for k, v in row_dict.items() if k not in non_data_cols) xfer_db_record = dumps(va_data) sql_list = ["INSERT INTO VA_Storage"] if dhis_tracker: sql_add = ( "(id, outcome, record, dateEntered, " "dhisOrgUnit, eventID, teiID) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") else: sql_add = ( "(id, outcome, record, dateEntered, " "dhisOrgUnit, eventID) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") sql_list.append(sql_add) sql_xfer_db = " ".join(sql_list) par = [row_dict["id"], row_dict["pipelineOutcome"], sqlite3.Binary(xfer_db_record), time_fmt, row_dict["dhis_org_unit"], row_dict["event_id"]] if dhis_tracker: par.append(row_dict["tei_id"]) c.execute(sql_xfer_db, par) conn.commit() conn.close() except (sqlcipher.OperationalError, sqlcipher.IntegrityError) as e: conn.close() raise DatabaseConnectionError( "Problem storing VA record to Transfer DB..." + str(e))
[docs] def store_single_va(self, va_dict: Dict, org_unit_id: str, log_summary: Dict, dhis_tracker: bool = False) -> None: """Store a single VA record in Transfer database table VA_Storage. This method is intended to be used in conjunction with the :class:`DHIS <openva_pipeline.dhis.DHIS>` class, which prepares the records into the proper format for storage in the Transfer database. :parameter va_dict: VA record :type va_dict: dict :parameter org_unit_id: DHIS2 organisation unit ID :type org_unit_id: str :parameter log_summary: Parsed log from DHIS2 post :type log_summary: dict :parameter dhis_tracker: Indicator of using DHIS2 VA tracker program :type dhis_tracker: bool :raises: PipelineError, DatabaseConnectionError """ conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() time_fmt ="%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S") try: non_data_cols = [k for k in va_dict.keys() if k.startswith("org_unit_col")] non_data_cols.extend(["sex", "dob", "dod", "age", "cod", "metadataCode", "odkMetaInstanceID"]) va_data = tuple( v for k, v in va_dict.items() if k not in non_data_cols) xfer_db_record = dumps(va_data) sql_list = ["INSERT INTO VA_Storage"] if dhis_tracker: sql_add = ( "(id, outcome, record, dateEntered, " "dhisOrgUnit, eventID, teiID) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") else: sql_add = ( "(id, outcome, record, dateEntered, " "dhisOrgUnit, eventID) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") sql_list.append(sql_add) sql_xfer_db = " ".join(sql_list) par = [va_dict["id"], "Pushed to DHIS2", sqlite3.Binary(xfer_db_record), time_fmt, org_unit_id, log_summary["event_id"] ] if dhis_tracker: par.append(log_summary["tei_id"]) c.execute(sql_xfer_db, par) conn.commit() conn.close() except (sqlcipher.OperationalError, sqlcipher.IntegrityError) as e: conn.close() raise DatabaseConnectionError( "Problem storing VA record to Transfer DB..." + str(e))
[docs] def store_no_ou_va(self, va_record: dict, eav: DataFrame, data_ou: str) -> None: # dhis_ou: str) -> None: """Store VA record without valid organisation unit (ou) in Transfer database table VA_Org_Unit_Not_Found. :parameter va_record: VA record processed by openVA along with cause and metadata :type: dict: :parameter eav: VA record in EAV format (Entity, Attribute, Value) prepared by openVA :type: DataFrame :parameter data_ou: Organisation unit (for DHIS2) found in data :type: str :parameter dhis_ou: Organisation unit the pipeline found and wanted to use for posting to DHIS2 :type: str :raises: PipelineError, DatabaseConnectionError """ if self.working_directory is None: raise PipelineError("Need to run Pipeline.config().") conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() time_fmt ="%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S") try: va_id = va_record["id"] # va_record_blob = dumps(va_record) # eav_blob = dumps(eav) va_json = json.dumps(va_record) eav_flat = eav.pivot(index="ID", columns="Attribute", values="Value") eav_dict = eav_flat.to_dict(orient="records")[0] eav_json = json.dumps(eav_dict) sql_xfer_db = ( "INSERT INTO VA_Org_Unit_Not_Found " "(id, eventBlob, evaBlob, dataOrgUnit, dhisOrgUnit, " "dateEntered, fixed) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" ) par = [va_id, sqlite3.Binary(va_json.encode("utf-8")), sqlite3.Binary(eav_json.encode("utf-8")), data_ou, #dhis_ou, "No Valid Org Unit Found", time_fmt, "False"] c.execute(sql_xfer_db, par) conn.commit() conn.close() except (sqlcipher.OperationalError, sqlcipher.IntegrityError) as e: conn.close() raise DatabaseConnectionError( "Problem storing VA record to Transfer DB " + "(VA_Org_Unit_Not_Found table)... " + str(e))
[docs] def get_no_ou_va(self, va_id: str = None) -> Dict: """Get the VA IDs and org unit data columns for records that do not have a valid DHIS2 org unit assignment; or select the eventBlob and evaBlob if the va_id is provided.""" conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() if va_id: sql = ("SELECT eventBlob, evaBlob FROM VA_Org_Unit_Not_Found " "WHERE id = ?") query = c.execute(sql, (va_id,)).fetchall() va_dict = json.loads(query[0][0]) eav_dict = json.loads(query[0][1]) eav_df = DataFrame.from_dict(eav_dict, orient="index") eav_df.reset_index(inplace=True) eav_df.insert(loc=0, column="ID", value=va_id) eav_df.rename(columns={"index": "Attribute", 0: "Value"}) va_data = {"va_dict": va_dict, "eav_dataframe": eav_df} conn.close() return va_data else: sql = "SELECT id, dataOrgUnit FROM VA_Org_Unit_Not_Found" table_values = c.execute(sql).fetchall() id_ou_dict = {va_id: ou for va_id, ou in table_values} conn.close() return id_ou_dict
[docs] def remove_no_ou_va(self, va_id: str) -> None: """Remove the VA record from Transfer database table VA_Org_Unit_Not_Found.""" conn = self._connect_db() c = conn.cursor() sql = "DELETE FROM VA_Org_Unit_Not_Found WHERE id = ?" c.execute(sql, (va_id,)) conn.commit() conn.close()
[docs] def make_pipeline_dirs(self) -> None: """Create directories for storing files (if they don't exist). The method creates the following folders in the working directory (as set in the Transfer database table Pipeline_Conf): (1) ODKFiles for files containing verbal autopsy records from the ODK Aggregate server; (2) OpenVAFiles containing R scripts and results from the cause assignment algorithms; and (3) DHIS for holding blobs that will be stored in a data repository (DHIS2 server and/or the local Transfer database). :raises: PipelineError """ odk_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory, "ODKFiles") openva_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory, "OpenVAFiles") dhis_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory, "DHIS") if not os.path.isdir(odk_path): try: os.makedirs(odk_path) except OSError as e: raise PipelineError("Unable to create directory " + odk_path + str(e)) if not os.path.isdir(openva_path): try: os.makedirs(openva_path) except OSError as e: raise PipelineError("Unable to create directory " + openva_path + str(e)) if not os.path.isdir(dhis_path): try: os.makedirs(dhis_path) except OSError as e: raise PipelineError("Unable to create directory " + dhis_path + str(e))
[docs] def clean_odk(self) -> None: """Remove ODK Briefcase Export files.""" if self.working_directory is None: raise PipelineError("Need to run config_pipeline.") odk_export_new_path = os.path.join( self.working_directory, "ODKFiles", "odk_export_new.csv" ) odk_export_prev_path = os.path.join( self.working_directory, "ODKFiles", "odk_export_prev.csv" ) if os.path.isfile(odk_export_new_path): os.remove(odk_export_new_path) if os.path.isfile(odk_export_prev_path): os.remove(odk_export_prev_path)
[docs] def clean_openva(self) -> None: """Remove openVA files with COD results.""" if self.working_directory is None: raise PipelineError("Need to run config_pipeline.") pcva_input_path = os.path.join( self.working_directory, "OpenVAFiles", "pycrossva_input.csv" ) openva_input_path = os.path.join( self.working_directory, "OpenVAFiles", "openva_input.csv" ) record_storage_path = os.path.join( self.working_directory, "OpenVAFiles", "record_storage.csv" ) new_storage_path = os.path.join( self.working_directory, "OpenVAFiles", "new_storage.csv" ) eva_path = os.path.join( self.working_directory, "OpenVAFiles", "entity_attribute_value.csv" ) if os.path.isfile(pcva_input_path): os.remove(pcva_input_path) if os.path.isfile(openva_input_path): os.remove(openva_input_path) if os.path.isfile(record_storage_path): os.remove(record_storage_path) if os.path.isfile(new_storage_path): os.remove(new_storage_path) if os.path.isfile(eva_path): os.remove(eva_path)
[docs] def clean_dhis(self) -> None: """Remove DHIS2 blob files.""" if self.working_directory is None: raise PipelineError("Need to run config_pipeline.") rmtree(os.path.join(self.working_directory, "DHIS", "blobs"))