Source code for openva_pipeline.run_pipeline

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    Copyright (C) 2018  Jason Thomas, Samuel J. Clark, & Martin Bratschi
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

import sys
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import requests
from sqlcipher3 import dbapi2 as sqlcipher

from openva_pipeline.pipeline import Pipeline
from openva_pipeline.exceptions import PipelineError
from openva_pipeline.exceptions import DatabaseConnectionError
from openva_pipeline.exceptions import PipelineConfigurationError
from openva_pipeline.exceptions import ODKError
from openva_pipeline.exceptions import OpenVAError
from openva_pipeline.exceptions import SmartVAError
from openva_pipeline.exceptions import DHISError

[docs]def create_transfer_db(database_file_name, database_directory, database_key): """Create the (SQLite encrypted) Transfer Database. :parameter database_file_name: File name for the Transfer Database. :parameter database_directory: Path of the Transfer Database. :parameter database_key: Encryption key for the Transfer Database """ db_path = os.path.join(database_directory, database_file_name) sql_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "sql/pipelineDB.sql") ) try: conn = sqlcipher.connect(db_path) except (sqlcipher.DatabaseError, sqlcipher.OperationalError) as e: raise DatabaseConnectionError("Unable to create database..." + str(e)) try: par_set_key = '"' + database_key + '"' conn.execute("PRAGMA key = " + par_set_key) except (sqlcipher.DatabaseError, sqlcipher.OperationalError) as e: raise DatabaseConnectionError("Unable to set encryption key..." + str(e)) try: with open(sql_path, "r", newline="\n", encoding="utf-8") as sqlScript: conn.executescript( except (sqlcipher.DatabaseError, sqlcipher.OperationalError) as e: raise DatabaseConnectionError( "Problem running script (pipelineDB.sql)..." + str(e) )
[docs]def run_pipeline( database_file_name, database_directory, database_key, export_to_dhis=True): """Runs through all steps of the OpenVA Pipeline This function is a wrapper for the Pipeline class, which runs through all steps of the OpenVA Pipeline -- (1) connect to Transfer Database (to retrieve configuration settings); (2) connect to ODK Aggregate to download a CSV file with VA records; (3) run openVA (or SmartVA) to assign cause of death; and (4) store CoD results and VA data in the Transfer Database as well as a DHIS2 VA Program (if requested). :parameter database_file_name: File name for the Transfer Database. :parameter database_directory: Path of the Transfer Database. :parameter database_key: Encryption key for the Transfer Database :parameter export_to_dhis: Indicator for posting VA records to a DHIS2 server. :type export_to_dhis: (Boolean) """ pl = Pipeline( db_file_name=database_file_name, db_directory=database_directory, db_key=database_key, use_dhis=export_to_dhis, ) check_r = shutil.which("R") if not check_r: print("R is not installed (needed for running openVA)") pl.log_event("R is not installed (unable to assign causes of death)", "Error") sys.exit(1) openva_is_installed = check_openva_install(database_directory) if not openva_is_installed: print("R package openVA is not installed.") pl.log_event("R package openVA is not installed.", "Error") sys.exit(1) # try: # pl.config() # except PipelineConfigurationError as e: # pl.log_event(str(e), "Error") # sys.exit(1) try: odk_out, stats = pl.run_odk() pl.log_event("ODK export completed successfully.", "Event") if stats["n_records"] == 0: pl.log_event("No new records from ODK server.", "Event") sys.exit(0) odk_summary_msg = ( f"Downloaded {stats['n_records']} VA records from ODK server, " f"found {stats['n_duplicates']} duplicate VA records, " f"and sending {stats['n_unique']} VA records to openVA." ) pl.log_event(odk_summary_msg, "Summary") except ODKError as e: pl.log_event(str(e), "Error") sys.exit(1) try: r_out = pl.run_openva() if r_out["n_to_openva"] == 0: pl.log_event("No new VA records from ODK (now exiting)", "Event") sys.exit(0) pl.log_event("OpenVA analysis completed successfully.", "Event") openva_summary_msg = ( f"Received {r_out['n_export_new']} VA records, " f"found {r_out['n_export_prev']} VA records from previous run " "that need causes form openVA (checking for duplicates), and " f"sent {r_out['n_to_openva']} unique VA records through openVA. " f"openVA processed {r_out['n_processed']} VA records, including " f"{r_out['n_cod_missing']} with NO assigned cause of death." ) pl.log_event(openva_summary_msg, "Summary") except (OpenVAError, SmartVAError) as e: pl.log_event(str(e), "Error") sys.exit(1) if export_to_dhis: try: dhis_out = pl.run_dhis() n = dhis_out["n_posted_events"] n_no_ou = dhis_out["n_no_valid_org_unit"] msg = (f"Posted {n} events to DHIS2 successfully. " f"Failed to post {n_no_ou} records due to invalid " "organisation unit for DHIS2.") pl.log_event(msg, "Event") except DHISError as e: pl.log_event(str(e), "Error") sys.exit(1) try: pl.store_results_db() pl.log_event("Stored records to Xfer database successfully", "Event") except (PipelineError, DatabaseConnectionError, PipelineConfigurationError) as e: pl.log_event(str(e), "Error") sys.exit(1) try: pl.close_pipeline() pl.log_event("Successfully completed run of pipeline", "Event") sys.exit(0) except (DatabaseConnectionError, DatabaseConnectionError) as e: pl.log_event(str(e), "Error") sys.exit(1)
def download_briefcase(): """Download the ODK Briefcase (v1.18.0) jar file from GitHub.""" bc_url = ("" + "v1.18.0/ODK-Briefcase-v1.18.0.jar") try: with open("ODK-Briefcase-v1.18.0.jar", "wb") as bc_file: r = requests.get(bc_url) bc_file.write(r.content) os.chmod("ODK-Briefcase-v1.18.0.jar", 0o744) except (requests.RequestException, IOError) as e: raise ODKError("Error downloading Briefcase: {}".format(str(e))) def download_smartva(): """Download the smartva (linux) binary application file from GitHub.""" smartva_url = ( "" + "v2.0.0/smartva" ) try: with open("smartva", "wb") as smartva_binary: r = requests.get(smartva_url) smartva_binary.write(r.content) os.chmod("smartva", 0o777) except (requests.RequestException, IOError) as e: raise SmartVAError("Error downloading smartva: {}".format(str(e))) def check_openva_install(working_directory: str) -> bool: """Check that openVA R package and dependencies are installed.""" r_script = os.path.join(working_directory, "test_openva_install.R") with open(r_script, "w", newline="") as f: f.write("library(openVA); library(lubridate)") r_args = ["R", "CMD", "BATCH", "--no-save", "--no-restore", r_script, r_script + "out"] try: # capture_output=True not available in Python 3.6 completed =, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True) if completed.returncode == 0: os.remove(r_script) os.remove(r_script + "out") return True else: return False except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: if exc.returncode == 1: return False # if __name__ == "__main__": # runPipeline(database_file_name= "run_Pipeline.db", # database_directory = "tests", # database_key = "enilepiP")