Source code for openva_pipeline.openva


This module runs openVA and smartVA to assign causes of death to VA records.

import subprocess
import shutil
import os
import re
from pandas import read_csv
from pandas import DataFrame
from pandas import concat
from pandas import merge
import numpy as np
from pycrossva.transform import transform

from .exceptions import OpenVAError
from .exceptions import SmartVAError

[docs]class OpenVA: """Assign cause of death (COD) to verbal autopsies (VA) R package openVA. This class creates and executes an R script that copies (and merges) ODK Briefcase exports, runs openVA to assign CODs, and creates outputs for depositing in the Transfers DB and to a DHIS server. :parameter settings: Configuration settings for pipeline steps (which is returned from :meth:`Pipeline.config() <config>`). :type settings: dictionary of named tuples :parameter pipeline_run_date: Date and time when instance of :class:`Pipeline <Pipeline>` was created (instance attribute). :type pipeline_run_date: with formatting strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S") :raises: OpenVAError """ def __init__(self, settings, pipeline_run_date): self.va_args = settings["openva"] self.pipeline_args = settings["pipeline"] if settings["odk"].odk_id is None: self.odk_id = "meta-instanceID" else: self.odk_id = settings["odk"].odk_id self.run_date = pipeline_run_date dir_openva = os.path.join(self.pipeline_args.working_directory, "OpenVAFiles") self.dir_openva = dir_openva dir_odk = os.path.join(self.pipeline_args.working_directory, "ODKFiles") self.dir_odk = dir_odk self.cli_smartva = os.path.join(self.pipeline_args.working_directory, "smartva") self.dhis_org_unit = None if "dhis" in settings.keys(): self.dhis_org_unit = str(settings["dhis"][0].dhis_org_unit) self.dhis_org_units = re.split(r"\s|,", self.dhis_org_unit) self.dhis_org_units = [i for i in self.dhis_org_units if i != ""] self.successful_run = None try: if not os.path.isdir(dir_openva): os.makedirs(dir_openva) except (PermissionError, OSError) as exc: raise OpenVAError("Unable to create directory" + dir_openva) from exc
[docs] def prep_va_data(self): """Create data file for openVA by merging ODK export files & converting with pycrossva. :returns: Summary of the number of VA records at each step -- previous ODK export (0 if there isn't one), new ODK export, and number of VA records sent to openVA. :rtype: dict """ summary = {"n_export_prev": None, "n_export_new": None, "n_to_openva": None} export_file_prev = os.path.join(self.dir_odk, "odk_export_prev.csv") export_file_new = os.path.join(self.dir_odk, "odk_export_new.csv") pycva_input = os.path.join(self.dir_openva, "pycrossva_input.csv") openva_input_file = os.path.join(self.dir_openva, "openva_input.csv") is_export_file_prev = os.path.isfile(export_file_prev) is_export_file_new = os.path.isfile(export_file_new) algorithm_metadata = \ self.pipeline_args.algorithm_metadata_code.split("|") who_instrument_version = algorithm_metadata[5] if who_instrument_version == "v1_4_1": pycva_instrument_version = "2016WHOv141" else: pycva_instrument_version = "2016WHOv151" if is_export_file_new and not is_export_file_prev: # with open(export_file_new, "r", newline="") as f_new: # f_new_lines = f_new.readlines() # summary["n_export_prev"] = 0 # summary["n_export_new"] = len(f_new_lines) - 1 # summary["n_to_openva"] = len(f_new_lines) - 1 # if len(f_new_lines) == 1: # return summary export_df_new = read_csv(export_file_new) export_n_rows = export_df_new.shape[0] summary["n_export_prev"] = 0 summary["n_export_new"] = export_n_rows summary["n_to_openva"] = export_n_rows if export_n_rows == 0: return summary shutil.copy(export_file_new, pycva_input) if self.pipeline_args.algorithm == "SmartVA": shutil.copy(pycva_input, openva_input_file) else: final_data = transform(mapping=(pycva_instrument_version, "InterVA5"), raw_data=pycva_input, raw_data_id=self.odk_id, verbose=0) final_data.to_csv(openva_input_file, index=False) return summary # if is_export_file_new and is_export_file_prev: else: # with open(export_file_new, "r", newline="") as f_new: # f_new_lines = f_new.readlines() # with open(export_file_prev, "r", newline="") as f_prev: # f_prev_lines = f_prev.readlines() # summary["n_export_prev"] = len(f_prev_lines) - 1 # summary["n_export_new"] = len(f_new_lines) - 1 # if len(f_new_lines) == 1 and len(f_prev_lines) == 1: # summary["n_to_openva"] = 0 # return summary # shutil.copy(export_file_new, pycva_input) # n_to_openva = len(f_new_lines) - 1 # with open(pycva_input, "a", newline="") as f_combined: # for line in f_prev_lines: # if line not in f_new_lines: # f_combined.write(line) # n_to_openva += 1 export_df_new = read_csv(export_file_new) export_new_n_rows = export_df_new.shape[0] export_df_prev = read_csv(export_file_prev) export_prev_n_rows = export_df_prev.shape[0] summary["n_export_prev"] = export_prev_n_rows summary["n_export_new"] = export_new_n_rows if export_prev_n_rows == 0 and export_new_n_rows == 0: summary["n_to_openva"] = 0 return summary exports_combined = concat([export_df_new, export_df_prev]) cols = list(exports_combined.columns) match_instanceid = [x for x in cols if "instanceid" in x.lower()] if len(match_instanceid) == 0: match_col = None else: match_col = match_instanceid[0] exports_combined.drop_duplicates(subset=match_col, inplace=True) exports_combined.to_csv(pycva_input, index=False) summary["n_to_openva"] = exports_combined.shape[0] if self.pipeline_args.algorithm == "SmartVA": shutil.copy(pycva_input, openva_input_file) else: final_data = transform(mapping=(pycva_instrument_version, "InterVA5"), raw_data=pycva_input, raw_data_id=self.odk_id, verbose=0) final_data.to_csv(openva_input_file, index=False) return summary
[docs] def r_script(self): """Create an R script for running openVA and assigning CODs.""" if not self.pipeline_args.algorithm == "SmartVA": try: os.makedirs( os.path.join(self.dir_openva, self.run_date) ) except (PermissionError, OSError) as exc: raise OpenVAError("Unable to create openVA dir" + str(exc)) from exc if self.pipeline_args.algorithm == "InSilicoVA": self._r_script_insilicova() if self.pipeline_args.algorithm == "InterVA": self._r_script_interva()
def _r_script_insilicova(self): file_name = os.path.join(self.dir_openva, self.run_date, "r_script_" + self.run_date + ".R") algorithm_metadata = \ self.pipeline_args.algorithm_metadata_code.split("|") who_instrument_version = algorithm_metadata[5] raw_data_file = os.path.join(self.dir_openva, "pycrossva_input.csv") if who_instrument_version not in ["v1_4_1", "v1_5_1", "v1_5_3"]: raise OpenVAError("pyCrossVA not able to process WHO " + "instrument version: " + who_instrument_version) try: with open(file_name, "w", newline="") as f: f.write("date() \n") f.write("library(openVA) \n") # TODO: add lubridate to handle different date formats across # the rows f.write("getwd() \n") f.write("raw_data <- read.csv('" + raw_data_file + "') \n") odk_id_for_r = self.odk_id.replace("-", ".") odk_id_for_r = odk_id_for_r.replace(":", ".") f.write("raw_data_sorted <- raw_data[order(raw_data$" + odk_id_for_r + "),] \n") f.write("col_names <- names(raw_data_sorted) \n") f.write("new_names <- lapply(strsplit(col_names, '\\\\.'), tail, n = 1) \n") f.write("names(raw_data_sorted) <- tolower(unlist(new_names)) \n") f.write("raw_data_sorted$ID <- sort(raw_data$" + odk_id_for_r + ") \n") f.write("data_from_pycrossva <- read.csv('" + self.dir_openva + "/openva_input.csv') \n") f.write("records_sorted <- data_from_pycrossva[order(data_from_pycrossva$ID),] \n") f.write("results <- insilico(data = records_sorted, \n") f.write("\t data.type = '" + self.va_args.insilicova_data_type + "', \n") f.write("\t isNumeric = " + self.va_args.insilicova_is_numeric + ", \n") f.write("\t updateCondProb = " + self.va_args.insilicova_update_cond_prob + ", \n") f.write("\t keepProbbase.level = " + self.va_args.insilicova_keep_probbase_level + ", \n") f.write("\t CondProb = " + self.va_args.insilicova_cond_prob + ", \n") f.write("\t CondProbNum = " + self.va_args.insilicova_cond_prob_num + ", \n") f.write("\t datacheck = " + self.va_args.insilicova_datacheck + ", \n") f.write("\t datacheck.missing = " + self.va_args.insilicova_datacheck_missing + ", \n") f.write("\t warning.write = TRUE, \n") f.write("\t directory = '" + os.path.join(self.dir_openva, self.run_date) + "', \n") f.write("\t external.sep = " + self.va_args.insilicova_external_sep + ", \n") f.write("\t Nsim = " + self.va_args.insilicova_nsim + ", \n") f.write("\t thin = " + self.va_args.insilicova_thin + ", \n") f.write("\t burnin = " + self.va_args.insilicova_burnin + ", \n") f.write("\t auto.length = " + self.va_args.insilicova_auto_length + ", \n") f.write("\t conv.csmf = " + self.va_args.insilicova_conv_csmf + ", \n") f.write("\t jump.scale = " + self.va_args.insilicova_jump_scale + ", \n") f.write("\t levels.prior = " + self.va_args.insilicova_levels_prior + ", \n") f.write("\t levels.strength = " + self.va_args.insilicova_levels_strength + ", \n") f.write("\t trunc.min = " + self.va_args.insilicova_trunc_min + ", \n") f.write("\t trunc.max = " + self.va_args.insilicova_trunc_max + ", \n") f.write("\t subpop = " + self.va_args.insilicova_subpop + ", \n") f.write("\t java_option = '" + self.va_args.insilicova_java_option + "', \n") f.write("\t seed = " + self.va_args.insilicova_seed + ", \n") f.write("\t phy.code = " + self.va_args.insilicova_phy_code + ", \n") f.write("\t = " + self.va_args.insilicova_phy_cat + ", \n") f.write("\t phy.unknown = " + self.va_args.insilicova_phy_unknown + ", \n") f.write("\t phy.external = " + self.va_args.insilicova_phy_external + ", \n") f.write("\t phy.debias = " + self.va_args.insilicova_phy_debias + ", \n") f.write("\t exclude.impossible.cause = '" + self.va_args.insilicova_exclude_impossible_cause + "', \n") f.write("\t = " + self.va_args.insilicova_no_is_missing + ", \n") f.write("\t indiv.CI = " + self.va_args.insilicova_indiv_ci + ", \n") f.write("\t groupcode = " + self.va_args.insilicova_no_is_missing + ") \n") if self.va_args.insilicova_data_type == "WHO2012": f.write("sex <- ifelse(tolower(records_sorted$MALE)=='y', 'Male', 'Female') \n") if self.va_args.insilicova_data_type == "WHO2016": f.write("sex <- ifelse(tolower(records_sorted$i019a)=='y', 'Male', 'Female') \n") f.write("cod <- getTopCOD(results) \n") f.write("names(cod) <- toupper(names(cod)) \n") f.write("dob <- tryCatch(\n") f.write(" expr = {as.Date(as.character(raw_data_sorted$id10021),") f.write("tryFormats=c('%Y-%m-%d', '%Y/%m/%d', '%b %d, %Y', '%m/%d/%Y', '%m-%d-%Y'))}, \n") f.write(" error = {function(e) return(rep('', length(raw_data_sorted$id10021)))}) \n") f.write("if (length(dob) == 0) { \n") f.write(" index_id10021 <- which(grepl('id10021$', names(raw_data_sorted)))\n") f.write(" dob <- tryCatch(\n") f.write(" expr = {as.Date(as.character(raw_data_sorted[, index_id10021]), ") f.write("tryFormats=c('%Y-%m-%d', '%Y/%m/%d', '%b %d, %Y', '%m/%d/%Y', '%m-%d-%Y'))}, \n") f.write(" error = {function(e) return(rep('', length(raw_data_sorted[, index_id10021])))})} \n") f.write("dod <- tryCatch(\n") f.write(" expr = {as.Date(as.character(raw_data_sorted$id10023), ") f.write("tryFormats=c('%Y-%m-%d', '%Y/%m/%d', '%b %d, %Y', '%m/%d/%Y', '%m-%d-%Y'))}, \n") f.write(" error = {function(c) return(rep('', length(raw_data_sorted$id10023)))}) \n") f.write("if (length(dod) == 0) { \n") f.write(" index_id10023 <- which(grepl('id10023$', names(raw_data_sorted)))\n") f.write(" dod <- tryCatch(\n") f.write(" expr = {as.Date(as.character(raw_data_sorted[, index_id10023]), ") f.write("tryFormats=c('%Y-%m-%d', '%Y/%m/%d', '%b %d, %Y', '%m/%d/%Y', '%m-%d-%Y'))}, \n") f.write(" error = {function(e) return(rep('', length(raw_data_sorted[, index_id10023])))})} \n") f.write("if (any(which(grepl('ageinyears$', names(raw_data_sorted))))) {\n") f.write(" index_ageinyears <- which(grepl('ageinyears$', names(raw_data_sorted)))\n") f.write(" index_ageinyears2 <- which(grepl('ageinyears2$', names(raw_data_sorted)))\n") f.write(" valid_age2 <- ![, index_ageinyears2])\n") f.write(" index_isneonatal <- which(grepl('isneonatal$', names(raw_data_sorted)))\n") f.write(" age <- raw_data_sorted[, index_ageinyears]\n") f.write(" age[valid_age2] <- raw_data_sorted[valid_age2, index_ageinyears2]\n") f.write(" age[ & raw_data_sorted[, index_isneonatal] == 1] <- 0 \n") f.write("} else {age <- rep('', nrow(raw_data_sorted))}\n") f.write("## create matrices for DHIS2 blob (records2) and transfer database (records3) \n") f.write("## first column must be ID \n") f.write("metadataCode <- '" + self.pipeline_args.algorithm_metadata_code + "'\n") #f.write("records2 <- merge(cod, records_sorted, by = 'ID', all = TRUE, sort = TRUE) \n") f.write("records2 <- merge(cod, raw_data_sorted, by = 'ID', all = TRUE, sort = TRUE) \n") f.write("records2[[, 'CAUSE1']), 'CAUSE1'] <- 'MISSING' \n") f.write("cod2 <- records2[, 'CAUSE1'] \n") f.write("names(records2)[which(names(records2) == 'CAUSE1')] <- 'Cause of Death' \n") f.write("records2$Metadata <- metadataCode \n") f.write("evaBlob <- cbind(rep(as.character(records2[,'ID']), each=ncol(records2)), rep(names(records2)), c(apply(records2, 1, c))) \n") f.write("colnames(evaBlob) <- c('ID', 'Attribute', 'Value') \n") f.write("write.csv(evaBlob, file='" + self.dir_openva + "/entity_attribute_value.csv', row.names=FALSE, na='') \n\n") if self.dhis_org_unit is not None: f.write("### check for DHIS org unit \n") ou_list = [] for ou in self.dhis_org_units: ou_colname = "org_unit_col" + str(len(ou_list) + 1) ou_list.append(ou_colname) f.write(ou_colname + " <- grepl('" + ou.lower() + "', names(raw_data_sorted)) \n") f.write("if (sum(" + ou_colname + ") == 1) { \n") f.write(" " + ou_colname + " <- raw_data_sorted[, " + ou_colname + "] \n") f.write("} else { \n") f.write(" " + ou_colname + " <- '" + ou + "' \n") f.write("} \n") f.write("### write out results to csv \n") f.write("records3 <- cbind(as.character(records_sorted[,'ID']), sex, dob, dod, age, cod2, \n ") f.write(", ".join(ou_list)) #f.write(", \n metadataCode, raw_data_sorted$instanceid, records_sorted[,-1]) \n") f.write(", \n metadataCode, raw_data_sorted$instanceid, raw_data_sorted) \n") f.write("names(records3) <- c('id', 'sex', 'dob', 'dod', 'age', 'cod', \n ") #f.write(", ".join(f"'{ou}'".format(ou) for ou in ou_list)) f.write(str(ou_list)[1:-1]) #f.write(", \n 'metadataCode', 'odkMetaInstanceID', names(records_sorted[,-1])) \n") f.write(", \n 'metadataCode', 'odkMetaInstanceID', names(raw_data_sorted)) \n") else: f.write("### write out results to csv \n") f.write("records3 <- cbind(as.character(records_sorted[,'ID']), sex, dob, dod, age, cod2, metadataCode, raw_data_sorted$instanceid, raw_data_sorted) \n") f.write("names(records3) <- c('id', 'sex', 'dob', 'dod', 'age', 'cod', 'metadataCode', 'odkMetaInstanceID', names(raw_data_sorted)) \n") f.write("write.csv(records3, file='" + self.dir_openva + "/record_storage.csv', row.names=FALSE, na='') \n") f.write("date() \n") except (PermissionError, OSError) as exc: raise OpenVAError("Problem writing R script " + "for InSilicoVA.") from exc def _r_script_interva(self): file_name = os.path.join(self.dir_openva, self.run_date, "r_script_" + self.run_date + ".R") algorithm_metadata = \ self.pipeline_args.algorithm_metadata_code.split("|") who_instrument_version = algorithm_metadata[5] raw_data_file = os.path.join(self.dir_openva, "pycrossva_input.csv") if who_instrument_version not in ["v1_4_1", "v1_5_1", "v1_5_3"]: raise OpenVAError("pyCrossVA not able to process WHO " + "instrument version: " + who_instrument_version) try: with open(file_name, "w", newline="") as f: f.write("date() \n") f.write("library(openVA) \n") # TODO: add lubridate to handle different date formats across # the rows f.write("getwd() \n") f.write("raw_data <- read.csv('" + raw_data_file + "') \n") odk_id_for_r = self.odk_id.replace("-", ".") odk_id_for_r = odk_id_for_r.replace(":", ".") f.write("raw_data_sorted <- raw_data[order(raw_data$" + odk_id_for_r + "),] \n") f.write("col_names <- names(raw_data_sorted) \n") f.write("new_names <- lapply(strsplit(col_names, '\\\\.'), tail, n = 1) \n") f.write("names(raw_data_sorted) <- tolower(unlist(new_names)) \n") f.write("raw_data_sorted$ID <- sort(raw_data$" + odk_id_for_r + ") \n") f.write("data_from_pycrossva <- read.csv('" + self.dir_openva + "/openva_input.csv') \n") f.write("records_sorted <- data_from_pycrossva[order(data_from_pycrossva$ID),] \n") if self.va_args.interva_version == "4": f.write("results <- InterVA5(Input = records_sorted, \n") else: f.write("results <- InterVA5(Input = records_sorted, \n") f.write("\t HIV = '" + self.va_args.interva_hiv + "', \n") f.write("\t Malaria = '" + self.va_args.interva_malaria + "', \n") f.write("\t output = '" + self.va_args.interva_output + "', \n") if self.va_args.interva_version == "4": f.write("\t replicate = " + self.va_args.interva_replicate + ", \n") f.write("\t replicate.bug1 = " + self.va_args.interva_replicate_bug1 + ", \n") f.write("\t replicate.bug2 = " + self.va_args.interva_replicate_bug2 + ", \n") f.write("\t groupcode = " + self.va_args.interva_groupcode + ", \n") f.write("\t write = TRUE, \n") f.write("\t directory = '" + os.path.join(self.dir_openva, self.run_date) + "', \n") f.write("\t filename = 'interva5_results_" + self.run_date + "') \n") if self.va_args.interva_version == "4": f.write("sex <- ifelse(tolower(records_sorted$MALE)=='y', 'Male', 'Female') \n") if self.va_args.interva_version == "5": f.write("sex <- ifelse(tolower(records_sorted$i019a)=='y', 'Male', 'Female') \n") f.write("cod <- getTopCOD(results) \n") f.write("names(cod) <- toupper(names(cod)) \n") f.write("dob <- tryCatch(\n") f.write(" expr = {as.Date(as.character(raw_data_sorted$id10021),") f.write("tryFormats=c('%Y-%m-%d', '%Y/%m/%d', '%b %d, %Y', '%m/%d/%Y', '%m-%d-%Y'))}, \n") f.write(" error = {function(e) return(rep('', length(raw_data_sorted$id10021)))}) \n") f.write("if (length(dob) == 0) { \n") f.write(" index_id10021 <- which(grepl('id10021$', names(raw_data_sorted)))\n") f.write(" dob <- tryCatch(\n") f.write(" expr = {as.Date(as.character(raw_data_sorted[, index_id10021]), ") f.write("tryFormats=c('%Y-%m-%d', '%Y/%m/%d', '%b %d, %Y', '%m/%d/%Y', '%m-%d-%Y'))}, \n") f.write(" error = {function(e) return(rep('', length(raw_data_sorted[, index_id10021])))})} \n") f.write("dod <- tryCatch(\n") f.write(" expr = {as.Date(as.character(raw_data_sorted$id10023), ") f.write("tryFormats=c('%Y-%m-%d', '%Y/%m/%d', '%b %d, %Y', '%m/%d/%Y', '%m-%d-%Y'))}, \n") f.write(" error = {function(c) return(rep('', length(raw_data_sorted$id10023)))}) \n") f.write("if (length(dod) == 0) { \n") f.write(" index_id10023 <- which(grepl('id10023$', names(raw_data_sorted)))\n") f.write(" dod <- tryCatch(\n") f.write(" expr = {as.Date(as.character(raw_data_sorted[, index_id10023]), ") f.write("tryFormats=c('%Y-%m-%d', '%Y/%m/%d', '%b %d, %Y', '%m/%d/%Y', '%m-%d-%Y'))}, \n") f.write(" error = {function(e) return(rep('', length(raw_data_sorted[, index_id10023])))})} \n") f.write("if (any(which(grepl('ageinyears$', names(raw_data_sorted))))) {\n") f.write(" index_ageinyears <- which(grepl('ageinyears$', names(raw_data_sorted)))\n") f.write(" index_ageinyears2 <- which(grepl('ageinyears2$', names(raw_data_sorted)))\n") f.write(" valid_age2 <- ![, index_ageinyears2])\n") f.write(" index_isneonatal <- which(grepl('isneonatal$', names(raw_data_sorted)))\n") f.write(" age <- raw_data_sorted[, index_ageinyears]\n") f.write(" age[valid_age2] <- raw_data_sorted[valid_age2, index_ageinyears2]\n") f.write(" age[ & raw_data_sorted[, index_isneonatal] == 1] <- 0 \n") f.write("} else {age <- rep('', nrow(raw_data_sorted))}\n") f.write("## create matrices for DHIS2 blob (data2) and transfer database (data3) \n") f.write("## first column must be ID \n") f.write("metadataCode <- '" + self.pipeline_args.algorithm_metadata_code + "'\n") #f.write("records2 <- merge(cod, records_sorted, by = 'ID', all = TRUE, sort = TRUE) \n") f.write("records2 <- merge(cod, raw_data_sorted, by = 'ID', all = TRUE, sort = TRUE) \n") f.write("records2[[, 'CAUSE1']), 'CAUSE1'] <- 'MISSING' \n") f.write("cod2 <- records2[, 'CAUSE1'] \n") f.write("names(records2)[which(names(records2) == 'CAUSE1')] <- 'Cause of Death' \n") f.write("records2$Metadata <- metadataCode \n") f.write("evaBlob <- cbind(rep(as.character(records2[,'ID']), each=ncol(records2)), rep(names(records2)), c(apply(records2, 1, c))) \n") f.write("colnames(evaBlob) <- c('ID', 'Attribute', 'Value') \n") f.write("write.csv(evaBlob, file='" + self.dir_openva + "/entity_attribute_value.csv', row.names=FALSE, na='') \n\n") if self.dhis_org_unit is not None: f.write("### check for DHIS org unit \n") ou_list = [] for ou in self.dhis_org_units: ou_colname = "org_unit_col" + str(len(ou_list) + 1) ou_list.append(ou_colname) f.write(ou_colname + " <- grepl('" + ou.lower() + "', names(raw_data_sorted)) \n") f.write("if (sum(" + ou_colname + ") == 1) { \n") f.write(" " + ou_colname + " <- raw_data_sorted[, " + ou_colname + "] \n") f.write("} else { \n") f.write(" " + ou_colname + " <- '" + ou + "' \n") f.write("} \n") f.write("### write out results to csv \n") f.write("records3 <- cbind(as.character(records_sorted[,'ID']), sex, dob, dod, age, cod2, \n ") f.write(", ".join(ou_list)) #f.write(", \n metadataCode, raw_data_sorted$instanceid, records_sorted[,-1]) \n") f.write(", \n metadataCode, raw_data_sorted$instanceid, raw_data_sorted) \n") f.write("names(records3) <- c('id', 'sex', 'dob', 'dod', 'age', 'cod', \n ") #f.write(", ".join(f"'{ou}'".format(ou) for ou in ou_list)) f.write(str(ou_list)[1:-1]) #f.write(", \n 'metadataCode', 'odkMetaInstanceID', names(records_sorted[,-1])) \n") f.write(", \n 'metadataCode', 'odkMetaInstanceID', names(raw_data_sorted)) \n") else: f.write("### write out results to csv \n") #f.write("records3 <- cbind(as.character(records_sorted[,'ID']), sex, dob, dod, age, cod2, metadataCode, raw_data_sorted$instanceid, records_sorted[,-1]) \n") f.write("records3 <- cbind(as.character(records_sorted[,'ID']), sex, dob, dod, age, cod2, metadataCode, raw_data_sorted$instanceid, raw_data_sorted) \n") #f.write("names(records3) <- c('id', 'sex', 'dob', 'dod', 'age', 'cod', 'metadataCode', 'odkMetaInstanceID', names(records_sorted[,-1])) \n") f.write("names(records3) <- c('id', 'sex', 'dob', 'dod', 'age', 'cod', 'metadataCode', 'odkMetaInstanceID', names(raw_data_sorted)) \n") f.write("write.csv(records3, file='" + self.dir_openva + "/record_storage.csv', row.names=FALSE, na='') \n") f.write("date() \n") except (PermissionError, OSError) as exc: raise OpenVAError("Problem writing R script for InterVA.") from exc
[docs] def smartva_to_csv(self): """ Write two CSV files: (1) Entity Value Attribute blob pushed to DHIS2 (entity_attribute_value.csv) (2) table for transfer database (record_storage.csv) Both CSV files are stored in the OpenVA folder. """ in_file = os.path.join(self.dir_openva, "openva_input.csv") out_dir = os.path.join(self.dir_openva, self.run_date) df_data = read_csv(in_file) if self.dhis_org_unit is not None: col_has_org_unit = [self.dhis_org_unit in col for col in df_data.columns] if sum(col_has_org_unit) == 1: col_org_unit_index = col_has_org_unit.index(True) df_data["dhis_org_unit"] = df_data.iloc[:, col_org_unit_index] else: df_data["dhis_org_unit"] = self.dhis_org_unit df_results = read_csv(out_dir + "/1-individual-cause-of-death/" + "individual-cause-of-death.csv") code_df = DataFrame( np.repeat(self.pipeline_args.algorithm_metadata_code, df_results.shape[0]), columns=["metadataCode"] ) df_results = concat([df_results, code_df], axis=1) cols_keep = ["sex", "birth_date", "death_date", "age", "cause34", "metadataCode", "sid"] # TODO: need to add dhis org unit df_record_storage = merge(left=df_results[cols_keep], left_on="sid", right=df_data, right_on="Generalmodule-sid", how="right") df_record_storage.rename(columns={"meta-instanceID": "odkMetaInstanceID"}, inplace=True) df_record_storage.drop(columns="sid", inplace=True) df_record_storage.insert(loc=0, column="ID", value=df_record_storage["odkMetaInstanceID"]) df_record_storage.to_csv(self.dir_openva + "/record_storage.csv", index=False) cols_keep = ["sid", "cause34", "metadataCode"] df_temp = merge(left=df_results[cols_keep], left_on="sid", right=df_data, right_on="Generalmodule-sid", how="right") # df_temp.dropna(subset=["cause34"]) df_temp["cause34"] = df_temp["cause34"].fillna("MISSING") df_temp.drop(columns="sid", inplace=True) df_temp.rename(columns={"meta-instanceID": "odkMetaInstanceID"}, inplace=True) df_temp["ID"] = df_temp["odkMetaInstanceID"] df_eva = df_temp.melt(id_vars=["ID"], var_name="Attribute", value_name="Value") df_eva.sort_values(by=["ID"], inplace=True) df_eva.to_csv(self.dir_openva + "/entity_attribute_value.csv", index=False)
[docs] def get_cod(self): """Create and execute R script to assign a COD with openVA; or call the SmartVA CLI to assign COD.""" if self.pipeline_args.algorithm in ["InSilicoVA", "InterVA"]: r_script_in = os.path.join(self.dir_openva, self.run_date, "r_script_" + self.run_date + ".R") r_script_out = os.path.join(self.dir_openva, self.run_date, "r_script_" + self.run_date + ".Rout") #r_args = ["R", "CMD", "BATCH", "--vanilla", r_args = ["R", "CMD", "BATCH", "--no-save", "--no-restore", r_script_in, r_script_out] try: # capture_output=True not available in Python 3.6 completed =, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True) self.successful_run = True return completed except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: if exc.returncode == 1: self.successful_run = False raise OpenVAError("Error running R script:" + str(exc.stderr)) from exc # if not ["InSilicoVA", "InterVA"], then run SmartVA try: os.makedirs( os.path.join(self.dir_openva, self.run_date) ) except (PermissionError, OSError) as exc: raise OpenVAError("Unable to create openVA dir" + str(exc)) from exc in_file = os.path.join(self.dir_openva, "openva_input.csv") out_dir = os.path.join(self.dir_openva, self.run_date) sva_args = [self.cli_smartva, "--country", "{}".format(self.va_args.smartva_country), "--hiv", "{}".format(self.va_args.smartva_hiv), "--malaria", "{}".format(self.va_args.smartva_malaria), "--hce", "{}".format(self.va_args.smartva_hce), "--freetext", "{}".format(self.va_args.smartva_freetext), "--figures", "{}".format(self.va_args.smartva_figures), "--language", "{}".format(self.va_args.smartva_language), in_file, out_dir] try: # capture_output=True not available in Python 3.6 completed =, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True) self.smartva_to_csv() self.successful_run = True return completed except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: if exc.returncode == 2: self.successful_run = False raise SmartVAError("Error running SmartVA:" + str(exc.stderr)) from exc if "Country list" in exc.stdout: self.successful_run = False raise SmartVAError("Problem with SmartVA " + "country code") from exc
[docs] def get_summary(self) -> dict: """ Get summary of openVA step. :returns: Get the number of records passed to openVA and the number of records without an assigned cause of death (CoD). :rtype: dict """ data_path = os.path.join(self.dir_openva, "record_storage.csv") record_storage = read_csv(data_path) n_records = record_storage.shape[0] if self.pipeline_args.algorithm in ["InSilicoVA", "InterVA"]: n_missing = sum(record_storage["cod"] == "MISSING") else: # TODO: when VAs are not processed by SmartVA, make sure their # sid value is set to missing when merged with SmartVA results n_missing = sum(record_storage["cause34"] == "MISSING") summary = {"n_processed": n_records, "n_cod_missing": n_missing} return summary