Installation Guide

The following instructions guide the installation of the openVA Pipeline on Ubuntu 20.04 operating system.


To make the installation process easier, all of the required software can be installed by downloading and running the bash script located in the main folder of the openVA_Pipeline repository.

  1. Add the apt key (signed by Michael Rutter) to authenticate R package from CRAN and add the CRAN repository to get the latest version of R (for more details see CRAN page: Ubuntu packages for R).

    $ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys E298A3A825C0D65DFD57CBB651716619E084DAB9
    $ sudo bash -c "echo 'deb focal-cran40/' >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
  2. Install Python, OpenJDK, R, SQLite3, SQLCipher, and Git by typing the following commands at a terminal prompt (indicated by $)

    $ sudo apt update
    $ sudo apt install python3-pip openjdk-11-jdk r-base sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev sqlcipher libsqlcipher-dev curl libcurl4-openssl-dev -y
  3. (optional) Download the ODK-Briefcase-v1.18.0.jar file to a folder that will serve as the openVA_Pipeline working directory.

  4. Configure OpenJDK with R by running the following command

    $ sudo R CMD javareconf
  5. In a terminal, start R by simply typing R at the prompt, or use sudo R for system-wide installation of the packages. The necessary packages can be installed (with an internet connection) using the following command:

    > install.packages("openVA")

    Note that > in the previous command indicates the R prompt (not part of the actual command). This command will prompt the user to select a CRAN mirror (choose a mirror close to your geographic location), as well as a location for the library where the R packages will be installed (this does not happen if R is run as sudo). After the installation of the packages has been completed, you can exit R with the following command:

    > q('no')
  6. Python version 3.8 is included in the Ubuntu 20.04, but we still need to update the package installer, setup a virtual environment with Pipenv, and install the openva-pipeline package. These tasks can be accomplished at the terminal as follows:

    $ pip3 install --upgrade pip --user
    $ hash -d pip3
    $ pip3 install --upgrade setuptools --user
    $ pip3 install pipenv --user
    $ pipenv install openva-pipeline

    We can enter the virtual environment and import the openva-pipeline package with the following terminal commands:

    $ pipenv shell
    $ python
    >>> import openva_pipeline as ovaPL   # import package
    >>> help(ovaPL)                       # access primary help file (hit q to exit)
    >>> help(ovaPL.runPipeline)           # access help file for a particular function
    >>> quit()                            # return to virtualenv terminal shell
    $ exit
  7. Install DB Browser for SQLite with the commands

    $ sudo apt install sqlitebrowser -y

Alternative Installation Options

Using Java JDK (instead of OpenJDK)

Instructions for installing JDK 11 on Linux can be found here. After installing JDK 11, run the following command at the terminal to properly configure R

$ sudo R CMD javareconf

and then install the R packages (as described above).

Installing the Pipeline package with using a virtual environment (and pipenv)

Simply use pip3 to install the openva-pipeline package as follows

$ pip3 install openva-pipeline --user